Wednesday, December 19, 2012

World Hunger Speech

Do you realize that people are struggling to live everyday? We don’t realize how important world hunger really is. There are starving people around the world. Many people die from starvation because nobody helps them. Just because it isn’t happening in your town or your area, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening in other places around the world. Being hungry is not a good feeling. Imagine feeling like that everyday? Not eating for several days can really affect you. You will start to lose energy. And after awhile your body can completely shut down. Some people can afford so much food and have the money to buy anything, while some people can’t afford any food and are dying of starvation. We should have many more charities to help end world hunger. You throw out your leftovers like it’s no big deal. But, some kids would do anything to get at least one bite of them. You should really be thankful for the food on your plate every day. Imagine not eating for a day, a week, even a month! We don’t realize how many people are struggling and not getting food. About 925 million people are starving in this world and the number keeps increasing. While you are sitting at your dinner table eating all the food you want, another little kid somewhere else is begging for food. So, join me in the fight to end world hunger.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Upfront Magazine- The Amputee QB
        This article proves that if you set your mind towards something, you can succeed. Eighteen-year-old Jacob Rainey got tackled in one of his high school football games. The tackler dove at his legs and Rainey got very injured. He went to doctors and there was no way to save his lower right leg. A week after the game, they amputated it above the knee joint. His whole thigh remained, but there was not much hope for him to ever play football again. "When people tell me I can't do something, the stubbornness I have just pushes me forward,"(Rainey 13). Rainey knew that he couldn't give up and had to keep pushing at his dreams. So, he kept doing that and he kept healing. He was able to be the quarterback again and he was back in the game.
        This is a very inspiring article to read. It shows that if you really set your mind to something, you can do it. After an accident and medical injury, you can still get help and reach your goals. Rainey had a very bad injury and it could have led to death. He just kept pushing through it and not giving up. He proved everybody wrong. After reading this, you are inspired to not let anything get in your way.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What would you do if you were in the middle of a lake and your boat began to leak?
If I was in the middle of a lake and my boat began to leak, I would start to panic. We would all put on our lifejackets so we won't drown. Someone would find the whistle or horn in the boat and blow it so hopefully someone will hear us. If someone hears us and they are nice enough they will come and tow us in. If not, then hopefully there is a pair of paddles in the boat and we can start to row the boat in before it totally sinks. If none of that works, I guess we would all start swimming! Hopefully the lake isn't that big so we wouldn't have to swim for that long!